Attentive Energy Two: Rolling Out First Statewide Gap Analysis for NJ Manufactures and OSW Supply

May 21, 2024

Attentive Energy Two: Connecting Across the Garden State 

The Attentive Energy Two team continues to work across the State connecting with communities, and small businesses. We are committed to building strong partnerships and leading the way in creating opportunities for New Jersey residents and businesses in the offshore wind industry. Here’s how we are working to power New Jersey forward. 

A New Report: NJMEP’s Analysis on the Potential for Local Supply Chain Development and Offshore Wind in New Jersey 

The New Jersey Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NJMEP), in partnership with Attentive Energy Two and MRV Group, has conducted an analysis of New Jersey’s manufacturing sector and its potential to support the growing offshore wind industry.  

This deep dive into the manufacturing capabilities of local companies uncovered both the current strengths in terms of capabilities as well as the gaps hindering small and diverse businesses from seizing future contracting opportunities in the offshore wind market. The analysis provides context for actionable recommendations on the part of industry and government to take today. 

Read more about the NJMEP Offshore Wind Readiness Gap Analysis here.

Counties, Community Engagement and Offshore Wind: New Jersey Association of Counties Highlights AE2 and Offshore Wind at its Annual Conference   

Recently, Attentive Energy Two attended the 2024 New Jersey Association of Counties and hosted a panel on “Advancing Local Engagement and Economic Opportunity with Offshore Wind.”  Topics explored included environmental justice, industrial transformation, equity and inclusion, and workforce development, as well as the impact that County government can have on project development and community programs related to clean energy development in New Jersey. 

The Attentive Energy Two project underscores the importance of sharing project information with local communities and building long-term partnerships across the state, so we can help facilitate pathways of opportunities in New Jersey’s growing offshore wind industry. 

Read more about our experience at the NJAC Conference here.

Attentive Energy Two: Around New Jersey 

Last month, we were with one of our project partners, Trust for Public Land, at Lincoln School in Newark for their Spring Fest, where we spoke with students and teachers about the power of offshore wind. 

Attentive Energy’s Electrical Systems Manager, Faisal Amir, recently joined experts and practitioners on electric grid modernization at the American Council of Engineering Companies of New Jersey’s panel. At this timely and important discussion, we shared a project overview and steps ahead to work with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities & SAA developers on project development and the opportunity of delivering offshore wind to New Jersey. 

We were delighted to participate in the recent NJEDA Wind Institute Symposium which drew industry professionals, students, and fellows from diverse backgrounds.  
The symposium provided a platform to delve into cutting-edge research insights and deepen our understanding of public perceptions, reaffirming our commitment to drive innovation and development in the offshore wind industry. 

Recently, our team spent time at EarthFest Overpeck, a celebration of clean water and a healthy environment, hosted through a partnership between Hackensack Riverkeeper and Bergen County Parks.

Join the Attentive Team 

Our Attentive Energy Team, pictured above, recently had the fantastic opportunity to convene in Asbury Park, where we met with local officials, engaged in enriching team discussions, aligned our goals, and fostered collaboration. 

Join our growing team! See open positions and apply here.

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